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The amount of time you have to sue after an accident often depends on which kind of accident it is and what jurisdiction you’re in.  例如, 如果印第安纳州发生车祸, then the statute of limitations for filing an accident lawsuit in civil court is 两年 包括人身伤害和财产损失.  Similarly, the 车祸 statute of limitations in 肯塔基州 is 两年 人身伤害和财产损失.  然而, if the accident occurred somewhere other than in a vehicle in 肯塔基州 (such as at home or at 工作), 那么你只有 一年 提起人身伤害诉讼.

This example shows why it’s so important to know the law and understand which kind of lawsuit you’re filing.  A skilled and experienced attorney can help you file your 车祸索赔 很快,带着所有正确的文件.  You don’t want to leave anything to chance either with the paper工作 or the filing deadline.

熟练的 人身伤害律师 兰登·洛普教堂 & Banet Law take good care of each and every client.  Whether you’re filing an accident claim in 印第安纳州 or 肯塔基州, our lawyers will argue aggressively on your behalf to secure the best possible compensation for you.  To find out more about how we can help, call us at 812-725-8224.  初次咨询是免费的.

事故发生后你需要多长时间提起诉讼 in 印第安纳州?

在印第安纳州,最后期限 这两个 人身伤害和财产损失索赔是 两年.  然而,你不想等那么久.  It’s best to retain an attorney as soon as possible after the accident so that evidence doesn’t get lost and the accident scene doesn’t change significantly.  You also want to get witnesses’ statements while their memories are still fresh.  另外, it helps your case if you can get photos of your injuries and the accident scene, 律师可以帮你做到这一点.

也, if you are suing the State of 印第安纳州 (for example, (由于道路维修不足), 或印第安纳州的一个县或城市, you have only 180 days to file a notice to those entities, 诉讼前需要做什么.


肯塔基州 is different than 印第安纳州 when it comes to statutes of limitation for accidents.  在肯塔基州,你有 两年 从日期起 车祸 or last PIP payments made to file a personal injury and/or property damage claim.  But, if the accident did not happen in a vehicle (i.e. defective product, medical malpractice, slip and fall, etc.),你有 一年 从事故发生之日起提出索赔.

It’s very important to pay attention to these filing deadlines because after the window of opportunity passes, you may have no legal recourse despite the injuries or property damage you may have suffered.

If you have questions or need an attorney 帮助 you file your claim, CLLB的律师很乐意帮忙.  免费咨询,请致电812-725-8224.


Generally, the sooner you file a 车祸索赔, the better.  Whenever you are involved in a 车祸 and are hurt, you should always seek medical attention right away.  Whether this means riding in an ambulance to the hospital emergency room, 自己开车去急救中心, or talking to your family doctor in person or through tele-health communications – make sure you do this.  Seeking medical attention promptly is important for two reasons:

  1. It ensures that you get the medical treatment you need quickly, 从而防止进一步的伤害或感染.
  2. It establishes medical records – or a “paper trail” – that details your injuries, 提供治疗计划, 并解释了受伤的原因. These records will be important in proving your legal case later on.

By seeking medical treatment promptly – within hours or days of the accident – you will be well positioned to file a personal injury claim before the deadline.


You may have one or 两年 to file an accident claim, depending on whether it is a vehicle accident or an accident that happened at home, 工作, 或者另一个地方.  A skilled attorney licensed to practice in 这两个 印第安纳州 and 肯塔基州 can help you sort out which laws apply to which accidents.  It’s never a good idea to try to file these lawsuits on your own.  Studies show that people represented by lawyers achieve settlements and jury awards that are much higher than people who file lawsuits on their own behalf.

Because the accident lawyers at CLLB 工作 on contingency, filing a lawsuit requires no money from you up front.  你发工资我们才发工资.  Our fees are paid by the defendant as part of a settlement agreement or jury award.  If for any reason your claim is not successful, then you owe us nothing.

So if you’re asking “how long do you have to make a claim after an accident?——答案是“越快越好。.”


To get answers to your questions or to get started now on filing your 车祸 lawsuit, contact a skilled and experienced attorney at CLLB today.  We have decades of experience helping accident victims just like you.  We will leave no stone unturned in gathering evidence, 采访目击者, 查阅警方报告, 甚至聘请专家证人, 如果需要.  We will build a powerful case on your behalf and ask for financial damages that cover your medical bills, 失去工资,痛苦和折磨.  初次咨询是免费的, so call us at 812-725-8224.


律师史蒂夫·兰登Licensed to practice in 这两个 印第安纳州 and 肯塔基州, Steve Langdon is an experienced elder law and trial attorney. 除了他的诉讼和审判工作, 史蒂夫的执业包括立遗嘱, 信托基金, 遗嘱认证, 医疗补助计划, 监护, 授权书, 以及高级指导计划, including living wills and health care surrogate designations. [ 律师生物 ]


离婚是生活中最大的压力源之一, and the process can often seem confusing and complicated, especially if there are issues such as shared children, 房屋, 以及涉及的资产或争论的理由. Even if you and your spouse agree on most issues, you need to ensure that everything is done in accordance with 印第安纳州 law, 包括满足居住要求, 填写及填写[...]